Shalit offers the question "what can it mean to be afraid to be a gentleman?" (pg. 144)
I believe that both men and women are afraid of men being gentlemen. Women are afraid to admit that having a door held open for them or a chair pulled out is nice every once in a while. Because women are conditioned to believe that they must do it or risk seeming weak. Men, on the other hand, are afraid to do anythings at the risk of having the chair yanked out of their hands. I believe that it's not sexist to have a guy carry your bags for you or open a door, it's a courtesy. I also think that a women should be able to stand on her own two feet and handle herself in certain situations. Shalit makes a good point with the need to reassert a code of conduct for men and women. Both sexes need to reevaluate how they act towards members of the opposite sex, and adjust accordingly. Society has not so much lost modesty but rather respect. There is a lack of resprect for oneself and members of the opposite sex and once people regain respect for themselves and others. Modesty will won't be too far behind.
Kristine Jansen
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I must say, well said. I definitely agree with the last point: society has lost respect in one another. One thing that stood out to me in this chapter was the story about the guy who loved his wife so much that he became more and more chivalrous with little notes and such. After that little anecdote, Shalit says, "Ultimately, it seems that only men can teach other men how to behave around women, but those men have to be inspired by women in the first place, inspired enough to think that women are worth being courteous to" (Shalit 157). I really liked that quote. It just pretty much sums it up.
Very well said. I also believe society has lost respect for oneself and others. I believe in order to be respected you must have respect for others. The quote Joy gives is a perfect way to sum up this thought. Maybe if people were more courteous to their significant other there would be more cute stories like this one. I would love a guy to leave me little letters but I definitely agree that I would have to show him respect in order to receive it.
-lindsey w
Courtesy is something that has not disappeared today, it still exist! I do believe that most of men are willing to be courteous with the women they date. The main obstacle to such behaviors is hypocrite machismo: Indeed men do not want their surrounding to think that they are weak regarding their women just because they are being courteous! So most of time, in front of people they will not show any sign of courtesy although they are willing to be!
previous comment made by yaye
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