Thursday, June 21, 2007

Chapter 5: Forgiving Modesty

Shalit starts this chapter off by discussing the two different types of modesty. One being related to humility and the other being in terms of sexual modesty. I like how she makes the distinction between the two because they are very different. Shalit then, however, begins to compare them and show how they are related and how they affect each other. Later in the chapter, Shalit says, "I've never heard a woman regret too little sexual experiences, but I often hear a woman regret too much. While this seems logical, I would like to know who she is talking to and why she thinks she can generalize her findings to include all women. Don't get me wrong, I do not doubt her statement at all. I do, however, have a problem with her using it as supporting evidence to back up her claim. She assumes that the women she has talked to are the same as every other woman in the United States.

-Bryan Leonardy


kryss said...

I completely agree, she seems to talk about "women" having one opinion on everything and I hate the way she does it. I have heard some of my friends who are women say that they wish they had done more sexually then they had. I was actually talking to a friend of mine just yesterday about that, but I do not think that her opinion is the same as all women.

Group 4 said...

I would like to complement you. Every women in the world. As we know we have different cultures arround the world, and each one think diferently about women modesty.
Jose Luis Iglesias