Thursday, June 28, 2007

Chapter 7: Can Modesty Be Natural?

Shalit uses this chapter to prove that sexual modesty is natural. She opens the chapter with a few examples to help make her point. She talks about Howard Stern and how he always wins the "game of vulgarity" by making women who are supposed to be "comfortable with their bodies" uncomfortable. She then talks about women who hold their skirts down when it is windy as a way to keep themselves from be exposed. She also talks about how girls don't like to hear things the way guys say it and think it. It may be what is going on but they just don't like hearing it in slang terms. Finally Shalit talks about how all young girls are modest and shy. All of these examples/proofs show that modesty is in fact natural. I believe that modesty is natural because I see it as a way women can protect themselves. Women should use modesty to get the respect they deserve. In some cases, the way a woman dresses shows what she expects and what she thinks of herself. This may not be the case everytime, but that is what people think. So while it may not be the intent of a person to look "immodest," it does seem to everyone else that that is what they are going for. We live in a very judgemental society and the way a person dresses is one of the first things we look at.
-Bryan Leonardy


Group 4 said...

I would have to agree with you Bryan. I think that people dress in the way they want to be perceived by others. When a woman dresses modestly (not to the extreme but I guess I mean 'classy')I think she is more respected than a woman wearing something skimpy. I think the way women dress is a perfect example of how we use modesty as a way of protection, it doesn't make us shy or uncomfortable.

-Lindsey Winesburg

group5 said...

I also agree, the way you dress represents your opinion of yourself. I know when I go shopping with my friends, we make comments like, "Wow, thats a hoochie shirt, or dang, look at those hooker shoes." Before the clothes are even on somebody, we are already passing judgement on them. If it looks like a duck, if it talks like a duck, and smells like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Kristine Jansen

group5 said...

I do not believe that modesty is natural. I think that modesty is acquired. Modesty is a social behavior and as all the social behaviors we integrate it through the socialization process. Today society has accepted a limited modesty that only reflects that we still have borders between what is moral and what is not.